Hello to blogland! I've decided to branch off from my normal blog and
delve into a passion of mine. Something that I never stop thinking of,
dreaming about, and searching for. The topic of magazine subscriptions,
Google searches and TV shows.
Let me be clear about a few key things first.
Have I been married myself? Not yet, but getting closer.
Do I plan weddings or decorate for a living? Not at all! I'm actually a chemist.
I take these photos? Sadly no. So please, unless otherwise noted, know
that the beautiful photos featured here are from the internet. Maybe
that's cheating a bit, but I get my design inspiration from Pinterest
and Google, etc., and then I want to share it with you! But I certainly
take no credit!
I'll use this corner of blog space to
present wedding themes and new styles, dresses I love and traditions I
want your opinion on. Please join me as I find the best of what the web
has to offer of weddings!