Sunday, May 5, 2013

Runaway Bride?

This weekend marked my 11th Bloomsday 12k race in Spokane, Washington. I've been attending these for much longer as a spectator, but began racing in high school. My dad has done 25 of them! This race is an impressive collection of 50,000+ participants! With the temperature around 70 degrees this year, it was a toasty one! Lots of trees and lilacs blooming! My whole family makes the pilgrimage to Washington every Spring, and it was a wonderful trip as usual!

So what about running brides? There's the classic run AWAY bride, which is always an unideal story! Ha ha!

A surprising amount of wedding photography featuring jogging wedding parties....

 A competitive race between brides for a dream wedding prize!

And the very sweet stories of romance during races! Some folks tie the knot WHILE running! Couples who run (and play) together, stay together! How sweet!

Now off to massage my sore muscles...